
What to wear in the woods for Wild Tots!

As the weather gets chilly and we head back to the woods for Wild Tots, we’ve been thinking about what to dress your little ones in when adventuring outside.

Merino thermals help a lot, my little one feels super cosy in hers. Then nice thick warm wool socks and if possible some neoprene lined wellies to stop those cold toes. Layers of wool jumpers and leggings, that let the body breath rather than sweat are helpful too. A balaclava can keep the head and neck warm and stop any draughts getting down their neck. Good quality waterproofs are a good finishing touch. This website sells some great kids’ outdoor clothing… www.littletrekkers.co.uk

Finally have a look at this pictorial from Scandinavia who’s children spend a lot of time outdoors in colder conditions than us!

Hannah 🙂